One Down One to Go.

Well, I’m back from one vacation and about to leave for the next!

I survived my working vacation at camp last week. I not only survived the week, but actually had an AMAZING time. The week was incredible in so many ways, God is SO good! I had the time of my life, which hasn’t happened for several years, as we’ve been going through some growing pains there. My stress levels were low all week, thank you for all your positive thoughts and prayers! And as for my birthday… turned out to be not quite as depressing as I anticipated. My plea to ignorebday4 the whole thing was ignored by 4 of my favorite teenage boys, who got up early that morning to decorate for me. Although I wanted to forget the entire thing… it was very sweet of them and it did make me feel very loved. They’re such sweethearts. I didn’t get a whole lot of sleep last week and I didn’t run throughout the week like I was hoping to, but I was able to remember to take my temperature each morning, take all of my medications all week, as well as my herbs from acupuncture and I even managed to do my acupuncture “homework”/meditation a few times. Most importantly, I spent the week not focused on all this infertility crap (other than when taking my temperature and swallowing pills anyway)! I had a whole 9 days focused on the awesome kids I was surrounded by and growing closer to our God! I’m very sad camp is over. Counting down to next year already!

I do want to share one story from my week at camp. One evening, one of the high school girls, who was not even in my room, came to me and asked if she could talk to me. I’ve known her for several years and we’ve built a good relationship. She asked me what my opinion was on taking birth control – for reasons other than not getting pregnant. She caught me completely off guard with the question, but wow, God really knows what He’s doing, she certainly came to the right person to talk about this. I told her that I had been on birth control when I was in high school too. I explained to her what PCOS is and that I was on birth control to regulate my periods. She told me she has very heavy and painful periods and was put on birth control to help with it – and it is helping. She’s not sexually active and her parents, obviously, have no problem with her taking it to help with these issues. Apparently someone else she’s close to, who is like a second mother figure to her, is giving her a hard time about taking it. I told her that this woman has obviously never had to deal with the things that we’re dealing with. I said, I think it’s totally fine, in fact, I did it too! I said if you and your parents are comfortable with it, then I see no problem, ignore this woman and don’t let her make you feel bad. She proceeds to then say something to the effect of, “I’m just scared that when I am ready to have children I won’t be able to.” Again, caught completely off guard, when she uttered those words I lost it. I started bawling my eyes out, all the emotions and pain I had been holding in all week came flying out. This poor girl just stared at me, like a deer in headlights, having no idea what she had just done. She started apologizing – for what she had no idea haha. So I had to tell her. I asked her not to say anything to anyone, but I told her that that’s what I’m going through right now. I shared some more with her and then changed the conversation back to her situation. It just breaks my heart that this 18 year old girl, who is not sexually active, who has big plans to go to college, travel to different countries to do missionary work, who has no plans of getting married or starting a family any time soon, is concerned about not being able to have children. I assured her that taking birth control should not cause her to not be able to have children. I was a little concerned about the heavy/painful periods though. I asked her if she had a diagnosis or had been to an endocrinologist. She said no. I didn’t say this to her because I didn’t want to scare her, but my first thought was I wonder if she has endometriosis. Atleast she knows she can come to me about all of this now. It’s amazing how things like that work out sometimes.

I came back to work on Tuesday. I’m all caught up and ready to get out of here again! We leave tomorrow to head to the beach for the next week! It should be a great and relaxing time after a long, exhausting week at camp. We’ve rented a huge house and will be there with my parents, aunt, uncle and cousins. I can’t wait to get there tomorrow!

Today is day 35 of my cycle. Normally I would be super antsy about my period coming, but right now I’m praying it doesn’t come (at all and I’m pregnant!!!) until after we’re back from vacation. If it comes while we’re on vacation I’ll be waiting another cycle to go back to the doctor. I’m ready to start treatments again! Let’s get this party started, again. Fingers crossed my period waits another week… or that it doesn’t come at all for a very awesome reason. Hopefully I’ll be able to catch up on my blog reading while we’re at the beach, I am waaaaay behind after being away last week! Hope everyone is well and has a great weekend!

4 comments on “One Down One to Go.

  1. Fingers crossed for you here too 🙂 have a great holiday!

  2. Ria says:

    Ooooh–so hoping you’re pregnant! I’m glad you were able to enjoy your birthday. Mine is next Friday and I’m not looking forward to turning 29.
    I’m glad you were able to talk with that girl. I hope she won’t have fertility issues later–but maybe it will help her to get checked out by a specialist sooner rather than later and it’s great that God is using your relationship to help her out.
    Have a great vacation with your family!

    • Oh my goodness, thank you so much! I have been a bit out of the blogging world lately, maybe this is exactly what I need to get back in! Hoping to catch up and start writing regularly ASAP. Thank you again so much!!

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