Is it summer yet?

Started injectables (Follistim with TI) round 4 this past Thursday. I had a super busy weekend, which was really nice, kept me from obsessing over everything. The only minor hiccup, which really turned out fine, not much of a hiccup, was that while we were at a huge fundraising event on Sunday, I had to give myself my shot… I did so while I was in line to get my picture taken with a pro athlete hahaha. My husband kept telling me to run to the bathroom, but I wasn’t taking any chances and gave myself the shot very discreetly, if I do say so myself.

Had an appointment for an ultrasound and blood work Monday morning. Two measurable follicles! Both 11mm and we were very happy with that, I think this is the earliest we’ve had any measurable, so that was exciting. I’d also like to note that both of these follicles are on the RIGHT, which is worth mentioning because the cyst I just had removed and the previous two cycles all happened on the LEFT. Naturally. Isn’t life funny? Anyway… got a call with the blood work results and my estradiol was only 43. 😦 They didn’t seem too concerned about it, but decided to up my dose to try and jumpstart that.

When we met with the nurse after my ultrasound she said that they should see me back on Wednesday or Thursday, we requested Thursday because there was rumor of a big snow storm coming Wednesday. Well, now I’m second guessing that decision… Oy. I’ve heard conflicting forecasts, but it sounds like there is potential for a lot of snow after midnight tonight through Thursday morning. So I guess I’m kind of screwed either way. Ahhhhh! Normally I’m all about getting a big snow storm (and hopefully a snow day off of work!), but now I’m really worried about having to travel almost an hour for this appointment in the snow. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens, but we WILL make it there on Thursday morning!!


I’m also a little concerned because I’m not feeling awesome today. I really hope I’m not getting sick and that if I am, that it doesn’t affect things for this cycle. Crossing my fingers and saying prayers that a nap will help me fight off whatever I’m starting to feel, that the follicles are growing like crazy, my estradiol is going way up and that we can make it to there Thursday without any weather issues. Seriously though, is it summer yet?

8 comments on “Is it summer yet?

  1. Thumbalina says:

    Good luck! Sounds like you are well on your way! We (Chicago) are getting the storm now, and it is nasty… very wet and heavy snow =( BE careful wherever you are!

    • Thanks! I’m west of Philadelphia, the forecast changes by the minute, but I’m feeling slightly better about Thursday morning, as of now anyway! Hope you’re staying warm and dry and off the roads out in Chicago!!

  2. First of all, hilarious that you gave yourself a shot while standing in line!! Your hubby should have taken a picture of that. Oh the things we do when TTC 🙂
    Second, that snowstorm is already here in Indiana. It is beautiful, but not as much as I would have thought a month or two ago. They always forecast it so much worse than it turns out to be…so we’ll see. Good luck getting there Thursday! Just leave extra early!

    • Hehe, thank you for appreciating my shot in line story! Haha, I totally should have had hubby take a pic! He was too busy being irritated at me for not going to the bathroom. Glad to hear the snow doesn’t seem to be too bad in Indiana! We’re outside of Philly, as of now I’m feeling better about Thursday morning, we shall see!!

  3. I love that you shot yourself up while in public. This is perfect. We are such a funny bunch. 😉 The snow storm you speak of is just leaving my area now. I hope it doesn’t hit you all too hard!

  4. swisswife says:

    I’m originally from South Jersey, but now living in Switzerland. I’m SO READY for Winter to be over! We are getting glimpses of Spring here…crossing my fingers…

    • Oh nice! I’m from NW of Philly, but I’m very familiar with the South Jersey area! I don’t even want spring, I jut want to skip straight to summer haha. I need atleast 80 degree weather to be happy!!

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